School Law Alerts

REMINDER: All school district employees and board members must complete required fraud reporting training between September 1 and November 29

Posted by Daniel R. Shisler | Jul 03, 2024 | 0 Comments

Last December, Governor DeWine signed Senate Bill 91 into law, requiring all elected officials and public employees to report alleged fraud, theft in office, or misuse or misappropriation of public money to the Auditor of State's fraud reporting system. Under changes made to Revised Code Section 117.103, all state employees must undergo required training regarding this reporting requirement.

On June 27, 2024, the Auditor of State released Bulletin 2024-005, which provides guidance and information regarding the required training and links to the online training materials produced by the Auditor of State's office.  All school officials (including elected board members) and employees are required to complete the training between September 1, 2024, and November 29, 2024, but may view/complete the training earlier than September 1, if desired.

The training is completely free and can be completed in less than eight (8) minutes. The training can be completed individually, or can be offered for groups.  Once the training is completed, individuals are provided a digital certificate. The Auditor of State directs public entities to collect and maintain the certificates so they are available for review during an audit. New officials and employees are required to undergo the training within thirty (30) days of taking office or beginning employment, and once every four (4) years thereafter.

About the Author

Daniel R. Shisler

Daniel Shisler's practice is devoted to advising boards of education on matters including board policy formation and compliance, general labor and employment/ personnel issues, employment discrimination, workers compensation, unemployment compensation, student/pupil personnel legal issues, residency issues, board policy, and ethics/conflict of interest issues. Daniel has experience representing boards of education in litigation in both state and federal courts regarding employment discrimination, employee discipline, termination and nonrenewal, statutory immunity issues, and student disciplinary appeals.


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